Publication: 25.08.2020

Launch of the CP-EiE Collaboration Framework

The Global Education Cluster (GEC) and CP AoR have committed to work together to strengthen joint planning, coordination and response, with the ultimate goal of supporting the education and protection of children and youth living in humanitarian contexts. The Framework supports Education and CP coordination teams’ predictable and coherent collaboration throughout the HPC to achieve efficient, effective, and accountable humanitarian responses. It was developed based on the promising practices of over 45 country and global cluster colleagues from 20+ contexts. The CP-EiE Collaboration Framework and package contain:

  • Recommended steps of collaboration, Practical annexes to support taking these steps, Promising practices and resources from country clusters
  • Thematic papers apply the framework to an example programmatic area (e.g. MHPSS, Violence Against Children)
  • The package is being translated into French and Spanish (some materials already available)


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