Publication: 09.12.2022

Where do I find MHPSS Resources for Work with Children and Families? An Exchange between Practitioners in the Ukraine Crisis Response, The MHPSS Collaborative and HIAS are delighted to invite you to a webinar on “Where do I find MHPSS Resources for Work with Children and Families? An Exchange between Practitioners in the Ukraine Crisis Response” to be held at 13:00 UTC on 14th December 2022.  The webinar will be in English and Ukrainian (with interpretation throughout the webinar).

In October, we launched a collection of resources, hosted on, to support the mental health and psychosocial wellbeing of children and families, as part of a new HIAS-funded initiative, “Joint Response in Ukraine on MHPSS for Children and Families for Local and International Agencies”. This Children and Families MHPSS Resource Collection aims to serve the Ukraine crisis response as well as other settings around the world.

The webinar on the 14th of December will provide a platform for practitioners to exchange their experiences and challenges in accessing resources, identify existing sources and gaps, and define priority needs. The session will be highly interactive, with use of group discussions on the following topics in both English and Ukrainian:

a) Working with young children and their caregivers

b) Working with adolescents and young people

c) Self-care for practitioners

If you or your colleagues work with children and their families in the Ukraine crisis response, please do join us for the ‘Exchange’ on the 14th of December!

Register here:


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