Publication: 06.03.2020

Case Management Coordination Training in Budapest

The Improving the Coordination of Case Management Responses Training Course took place from 18-22 November 2019 in Budapest, Hungary. The purpose of this training was to provide beginning- to mid-level country coordinators and case management task force (CMTF) leads, including co-coordinators and CMTF co-leads, with the knowledge, tools and key competencies to perform coordination functions of the case management response. The course was not designed as an introduction to case management or focused on the case management process, but rather provided an opportunity for participants to develop and practice core competencies essential for the inter-agency coordination of a case management response. The Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) provided funding for the initiative. 20 participants from 11 contexts were brought together. 

Overall feedback provided throughout the week and during the post-course evaluation was overwhelmingly positive and validated the participatory and practical design of the training and course content. Participants indicated that they valued the practical exercises and peer-to-peer learning encouraged by the facilitation team. The self-assessment results show that the knowledge of the course subject matter increased significantly from the majority having some knowledge of the course content to assessing themselves as competent at the end of the training. The constructive feedback and recommendations provided by participants revolved primarily around the time allocation of certain sessions. There was equally an emphasis on combining the presentations with more practical examples from different contexts and on sharing examples of certain items that need to be contextualised or developed during a case management response at the inter-agency level, such as an exit strategy or a contingency plan.


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