Publication: 18.06.2020

12,000 Voices: Introducing the COVID-19 Rapid Assessment Report

CP AoR member Street Child, in collaboration with over 50 national partners, has conducted a rapid assessment of needs and gaps in provision for the poorest, most marginalised populations. The global report represents the perspectives of more than 12,000 respondents and illustrates the impact the pandemic is having on learning, livelihoods and lives.

The report identifies high levels of awareness, but significant gaps in mitigation strategies to prevent transmission. The effect of the crisis on children is explored highlighting the serious disparities between those who can access information, education and other services through alternative means and those who cannot. With living costs rising and many livelihoods being lost, communities face an increased risk of hunger and starvation with many turning to negative coping strategies. In addition, many communities report receiving little or no assistance to help cope with this crisis.


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