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Projet PROTEJEM: “Amélioration de la protection des enfants et jeunes en mobilité sur les routes migratoires de l’Afrique de l’ouest»

Le présent rapport sert de rapport d’évaluation finale du projet « PROTEJEM », qui vise à l’amélioration de la protection des enfants et jeunes en mobilité sur les routes migratoires d’Afrique de l’Ouest. Ce projet a été mis en oeuvre suite à une constatation concernant la mobilité des…

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Child-Sensitive Social Protection: An investment case for Child-Sensitive Social Protection in Zambia

This report and a series of case studies were conducted to gather evidence on which child-sensitive social protection (CSSP) programs in Malawi, Uganda, Somalia, and Zambia are most beneficial and cost-efficient in the long term. The analysis then examines measures these governments have taken to…

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Child-Sensitive Social Protection: An investment case for Child-Sensitive Social Protection in Somalia

This report and a series of case studies were conducted to gather evidence on which child-sensitive social protection (CSSP) programs in Malawi, Uganda, Somalia, and Zambia are most beneficial and cost-efficient in the long term. The analysis then examines measures these governments have taken to…

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Child-Sensitive Social Protection: An investment case for Child-Sensitive Social Protection in Uganda

This report and a series of case studies were conducted to gather evidence on which child-sensitive social protection (CSSP) programs in Malawi, Uganda, Somalia, and Zambia are most beneficial and cost-efficient in the long term. The analysis then examines measures these governments have taken to…

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Türkiye and Syria Earthquake 1-year Anniversary Impact Report

It’s been one year since massive earthquakes hit southern Türkiye and northern Syria, yet families are still struggling to recover. Hundreds of thousands of families in Türkiye are still living in temporary shelters after their homes were destroyed. In Syria, a significant escalation of conflict…

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Strengthening Social Protection in Solomon Islands

Social protection plays an important role in promoting socio-economic development, reducing poverty and vulnerability, and protecting individuals, households and communities against shocks around the world. Solomon Islands is at the very start of a long-term process of putting in place a social…

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The Nine Roles that Intermediaries Can Play in International Cooperation

In recent years, there has been growing scrutiny of the largely unchanged role that INGOs have played in humanitarian, development and peacebuilding efforts. This scrutiny includes the push towards greater ‘localisation’, systems change processes that aim to ‘shift power’ towards more locally led…

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Transformer l’éducation au moyen de financements équitables

Les enfants issus des ménages les plus pauvres sont ceux qui bénéficient le moins des fonds publics nationaux dédiés à l’éducation, indique l’UNICEF dans un nouveau rapport publié aujourd’hui. L’organisation appelle également les gouvernements à investir davantage, et de manière plus équitable,…

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Assessment of options for humanitarian child protection actors to assist children and adolescents who need specialized mental health services

The Global Child Protection Area of Responsibility (CP AoR), in collaboration with the IASC MHPSS Reference Group, contracted Mott MacDonald to assess options for humanitarian child protection actors to assist children and adolescents needing specialist ('Layer 4') mental health services.  The…

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Meeting a Hero

Alicja Safarzyńska-Płatos, a designer with a background in psychology, developed this child-friendly storybook in consultation with psychologists in Poland, Ksenia Potępa (Illustrator), Ewa Jankowska (Translator), and others.  This storybook is designed to be used with children who are a part of…

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